One of the defensive structures used in Japanese castle architecture, especially designed to strengthen the defence of castle gates, this spatial structure shows how the space is divided into squares and rectangles. Its name derives from the shape of the masu, a container used to measure the Japanese unit of measurement known as the masu.
masugata usually consist of a double or triple enclosed space on either side of a castle gate, which prevents the enemy from entering the castle directly. This space is enclosed by walls and gates, shaped like a courtyard and designed to delay enemy attacks and incursions in multiple stages. As soon as the enemy breaks through one gate, they encounter the next gate or wall, delaying their progress and allowing the castle defenders time to counter-attack and prepare.
The interior of the Masu-gata allows the castle side to gain an advantageous position over the attackers, allowing them to throw stones, boiling water and arrows down on the enemy from the walls and roof.

Inner Masugata of the East Gate of Sunpu Castle